On Saturday, we had thanksgiving with our Great Aunts & Uncles

Thanking the Lord for His blessings.

Our Aunt with her sons, who are being, silly !



Playing "Catch Phrase"

We had a fun time playing "Catch Phrase", and we have a really funny story about playing the game. In case you do not know how "Catch Phrase" is played, you have a paper disc which has words on it, and the disc is put in this plastic cd- type- player thing, and it shows a word, and you have to try to explain the word to your team mates without actually saying the word, before the buzzer goes off. For example, pretend the word that you get is "steam". To explain it, you might say "something that rises from a pot of boiling water". Well, it was our couisn's turn to explain the "phrase". He started gesturing as if he were crying. So, we start guessing things like "crying", "cry-baby", "weeping", "sad", and just about every other thing that you would associate crying with. Finally, the buzzer goes off. We give up. Our cousin was so exasperated that we did not guess the word correctly! So, he finally told us the word, "Sobber"! The rest of us looked at each other, "'Is "sobber" really a word?!". Well, the actual word was "SOBER"!! LOL!!! We had a good laugh over that!

Grandma with her brothers and sisters

The family gathered for a photo

Meg and I went to the park with these two cousins

"Ahh! Don't make me fall!"

What happened to Tom's head? It must have fallen off.

There it is! I was getting a little worried!

The monkey bars
Meg preparing to swing on the monkey bars
Ready, Set...
She made it!
And, it's my turn
"Are you getting ME?"


"Almost there!"
Preparing to climb the swing set bars
And, up she goes!
"Quick! Get the picture before I fall!