Saturday, December 08, 2007

Thanksgiving Dinner

Well, we are finally on to Thanksgiving. We had a total of 4 Thanksgiving dinners in one week with plenty of pictures to spare from each one.

Happy Cousins

I. wearing his pilgrim hat

The horrific piano player

Killing......uh, that is to say carving the Turkey:)

Checking to make sure our delectable delights are ready to be devoured

Flying Turkey

Baby C. is some cutie!!!!

Camera time

Charming. Elegant. Sweet. My littlecamerastealingsistwerp!!!

Best Buddies

When one gets out the Reddi Whip, here is what one should expect:

Little Ones gathering around.........

and asking....................

for a.............
or two!

A honey factory in the little town where Motherums grew up made these cute little bottles of honey for the "Bee Movie".

Art by S.A.M.



At 10:08 PM, Blogger Isaac said...

Turkey-killing should be an Olympic sport. Really. Do it with a herring! :) (Yeah--movie allusion. Ask your dad if you don't know)

Your mom's dad there has the same camera as we do. It's kinda nice, but the videos normally kinda stink. :P Oh well. Still better than a lot of others.

At 10:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, but Kate has a better camera :)


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