Square Dance
This past week we had the enjoyment of spending an evening with friends from church. We watched a game called "Axis and Allies", did little girl's hair, ate dinner, and went to a square dance! Most of the pictures from the square dance are blurry, however, we hope you still enjoy them!
"Axis and Allies"
Intent observers
One of the on-lookers
Enjoying our little friends company
Mumzie and "Bugsbee"
Here we are at the square dance!
Back rows
Making a circle
"Form a square, Ya'll!"
Giving directions
"Swwwiiiing your partner round and round..."
"Promenade home!"
Cool picture
Gettin' ready for another promenade
Again, promenade.
New friends!
Look at her dress twirl!
The boys bench
A sweet Grandmother and Granddaughter.
Hey, Pauley, are you always stuffin' your mouth, or what?!
(said with a New Yorker accent)
Mumzie and Ruthie.
~Mumzie and S.A.M.~
Mumzie and Ruthie.
~Mumzie and S.A.M.~
Well, I see what you meant about fewer attendees and fewer partners. Seems like it was plenty of fun. Hopefully, the next one won't be on a Tuesday! :)
Oh, and, I just realized--unless some comment hasn't been put up yet, I'm the first yet again! Yeah! :D
Nice pictures. Wish I could have been there.
Just fond out the next square dance is May 10. Please come!
ah HA!!! Thursday! OK--I'll put it down on the calendar. I guess someone listened. :)
You guys get the coolest blur effects on your pictures (I'm talking about the one with young bumpas). I'm gonna have to take photograph lessons from someone.
Actually, we just have a really old camera, so it doesn't have all those special features on it like the newer cameras do. I'm not sure if that's the reason or not.
Kate is working on it!
Did you eat at your house? I don't remember at all what it looks like :-(
And I must say, a square dance evening is nice, but the problem with ones like this is that you often have very different ages and sizes of people involved...
That is what the Celtic Ball is about you have to be 14 or older to go.
We ate dinner at the S. family home. Also, we thoroughly enjoyed the time of interaction between younger children as well as "kids" our own age. It was a wonderful time to help the younger children learn the skills of square dancing....that is one of the reasons it is so enjoyable.
I think it is important to think beyond ourselves and realize the opportunity we have to set examples for younger children. If they see us willing to give of ourselves to help them, it will have an impact.
yep a cool picture
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