Saturday, January 03, 2009


Dinner time...... Interesting as usual!

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Wish I could remember what we were laughing about.

Beautiful Deario!

Morning conversations

Enjoying morning snuggles and reading time with Auntie S.A.M.

Grandmum and D. getting ready for the big day of grocery shopping!

"Why do you guys put me down on the floor when you can hold me?"

Making a list for groceries

"That flash really annoys me Aunt Kate"

Chasing his little snoopy

Visiting the local library

Cuddling with Auntie

Snuggling with Auntie

Hugs, kisses, snuggles, and cuddles with Mommy

Hanging new curtains

Evening entertainment

Enthralled with a computer game


"I know I can whip these little sistwerps of mine hands down".


Sweet and Happy

The "General" and her "soldiers" raking leaves*

Dearest N.

On a lovely afternoon walk

Cooking up some treats.


At 11:49 PM, Blogger Isaac said...

That "morning conversations" picture is priceless. There is just so much in that picture. It's great. :)

I love Daniel's expression in the next one too. He looks perfectly content. Of course, his aunt does too! :D

What was the computer game you were playing?

At 9:43 PM, Blogger Morton Family said...

We were playing golf. It was fun!


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