Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Vacation Pictures, Part 1

Last week we had a most enjoyable time attending the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) conference. We heard convicting sermons, and had a profitable time of fellowshipping with other beleivers. After the conference, we went to visit our dear friends, The Vernon's. The time with them was so relaxing, enjoyable, and refreshing,we love Ya'll so much!!!During the conference, everyone had the job of kitchen duty, which includes making the meal, serving it, and then cleaning up the meal afterwards. We love being able to do this, as it creates a fun way to get to know those attending the conference. Getting ready to serve the meal!
Busy cleaning up
Dear Mrs. G. and Jon
Mamma's little helper
Toast anyone?
Sweet Mrs. PhelpsMrs. Isbell (right) did a wonderful job of overseeing all of the mealsDuring the meals were fun times of talking.
Two lovely sistersS.A.M. and MegChit-chattingJuanita and Mr. BS.A.M. visiting with some of the little girlsS.A.M. and Mr. BDad and Mr. Phelps
The front porch was a lovely place enjoyed by all. It was a very peaceful place to be able to visit with the dear believers attending.During the free time between sermons, people went hiking, played games and fellowshipped.We also went for a walk on a trail where we found a tree house and...(drumm roll, please)An outhouse! the hikersThere were also a few camp fires, where many s'mores were devoured.
Alex (roasting a marshmellow), Tracy, Ivanka, Martha and Charlie
Ike, Juanita and their pastor with part of his familyThe lovely Manring familyTwo godly couples whom we had the privelege to meet, Mr. and Mrs. LeMay and Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Phelps
The faithful book sellersEnjoying the porch two little boys observing some antsSweet children What a face!

Sweet Patience

"I'm a man"
Kate dearThe beautiful view from the porch
Dear Juanita


At 7:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just can't leave it alone. I saw a pic of Kate with her best friend HAHAHA! (3rd from bottom)

Great pictures and work - good variety. A conference not only well worth remembering, but also one that will be hard to forget.

I can't believe that camera took more than one picture of me without failing, though.

At 10:34 AM, Blogger Morton Family said...

Well at least I was not talking to myself!!!!

At 11:29 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

I know the Manring family! They came to our church years and years ago when they had only one or two kids. I haven't heard anything about them in a very long time.


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